Hello all! I have some questions about using the galactic calendar. If it's my 'power day' how do I use that to my advantage? How do I best align with the qualities encompassed by each solar seal each day? Someone throw me a clue here.
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Do you have a daily practice using this calendar that you could share? How do you use this calendar when planning out life events or when best to take actions?
Thank you very much, this is VERY helpful!
Your Portal Days or Power Days are energy nodes between common Earth-time and Galactic time, facilitating the reception of cosmic knowledge. These days link two distinct perceptions of reality giving you easier access the akashic records, guidance, manifestation, and inspiration. This is an excellent period to be aware of and to use for the highest good of your life and the world around you!
The 20 solar seals are coded by four colors to create the five sets: red, white, blue, yellow. One set of these is called a harmonic, the four-day cycle that establishes the first pattern of meaning: Red initiates, White refines, Blue transforms, and Yellow ripens. The next pattern is the chromatic (5 units for five-day cycles)—starting and ending with the same color.
The fundamental cycles of the synchronic order are:
4-day cycles
5-day cycles
7-day cycles
13-day cycles
20-day cycles
28-day cycles
Within the 28-day cycles, there are four seven-day sub-cycles. Everything is patterned, organized and harmonized in the seven-day pattern. The seven days are coded by the seven radial plasmas, the psychotelepathic plasmas that govern and organize the sequence of the seven-day cycles.
Each Solar Seal reflects many energetic aspects that have an influence on your energy. As we traverse the daily Solar Seals we begin to understand the influences, challenges, obstacles, and positive aspects on our energy from day to day.