Welcome to the Omicron Community Forum! We are thrilled to give you a warm welcome to this space.
Our mission is to provide a safe and secure environment for individuals to exchange ideas, opinions, and experiences of the Extraterrestrial Visitation phenomenon. To that end, we will be working hard to ensure that we align our actions with that purpose. These Community Guidelines should not only help you understand how to act within the community but also help you understand what to expect from others in this space.
Please follow these guidelines to help keep this a friendly place:
· Be polite: Don’t post or private message anything which could be considered offensive, abusive, or hate speech.
· Remain thoughtful: Don’t post in threads or private message anything which could harm other members or the people who visit our forum.
· Be courteous towards each other: Please keep it friendly, don’t harass or trouble anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.
· Protect your and other people’s privacy: Don’t forget this is a public forum. Search engines index these discussions. It is important that you don’t expose your identity or the identity of others. Please follow safe internet practices.
· Respect our forum and the people who run it: Please follow these guidelines and the instructions given by the team running the forum.
· Please be reasonable to the team running the forum: Our forum staff team are all unpaid volunteers who work very hard to keep the forum welcoming, friendly, safe and spam-free. Please do not place undue demands on them.
Posts that may be edited or deleted
The following types of posts are likely to be edited or deleted:
· Posts containing personal insults, attacks, innuendo, attempts at provocation, or flaming
· Sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, transphobic, or disablist posts
· Sexually explicit or obscene posts
· Posts containing offensive or harmful material, including explicit descriptions of self-harm methods, pro-anorexia posts and mention of specific suicide methods
· Posts mentioning the names of specific services you use or have used and real names of individuals working in them where your or another person’s privacy may be at risk
· Posts that are intolerant of beliefs/religions
· Religious preaching/proselytising
· Opinions that are portrayed as facts
· Threads about particular members (e.g. “I miss …”, “What happened to…?”, etc.)
· Copyrighted material
· Irrelevant posts
· Swear words in the titles
· Posts not in English
· Advertising (without prior permission) and spam
· Duplicate posts
· Links to blogs.
The owners of the forum reserve the right to edit or delete any post for any reason.
Posting of photos and images
We do not allow the posting of photos of members and/or their friends and families for privacy reasons (this includes avatars). Any images posted must not contain moving images or GIFS.
Links/quoted text
Links and any quoted text also need to be accompanied by some thoughts / discussion / comments.
Signatures shouldn’t be more than 3 lines of text. You may have a small image, but must not be larger than roughly 3 lines of normal text. Links are not permitted.
Discussing moderation on the forum
We do not allow the discussion of specific moderation decisions on our forum.
Concerns about moderating decisions
Forum staff will not respond to unsolicited private messages about moderating decisions. If you have concerns about a decision that has been made, please express your concern by reporting it using the report function on the relevant post.
Members must only have one account. Accounts being closed at the request of a member are subject to a 48 hour cooling off period, during which the account will be kept open in case you change your mind.
Using private messages (conversations)
Private Messages (called “Conversations”) are a useful tool for connecting with people in similar situations or even to develop friendships. However, please do not send PMs containing unsolicited advertising, spam, of a sexual nature, or with the intention of entering into a romantic relationship with another member or for the purposes of conducting (formal or informal) online therapy.
Using the forum for research purposes is not permitted unless you are a member and have explicitly been granted permission through our research approval process. Details of what is required can be found here:
For those who wish to post a Research Request
Thanks for being interested in posting about your research on our forum. As a forum, we value quality research that helps the lives of people who have had contact or experience Extraterrestrial Visitations.
Each year we receive hundreds of requests from researchers wanting to post requests for people to take part in their research. As a result, we have had to limit the number of requests posted on the forum. Given this, we have developed a process to check and approve all such requests before being published on the forum.
We give preference to research being done by established members of our forum and/or people who have personal experience of mental health difficulties.
If you would like to seek permission to post your request on our forum, please email omicronrri@gmail.com, including your forum username in the email and give details of the following:
1. Your involvement with the forum and your forum user name (this is essential);
2. The purpose of the research;
3. Why the research topic was chosen;
4. How the Omicron Commonwealth forum will be used to develop your research;
5. How will people with personal experience on the Omicron Commonwealth Forum be involved in developing the research;
6. Who is funding the research;
7. How you are dealing with the ethical and environmental issues involved with the research;
8. What ethics committee has approved the research;
9. Your name, contact details and the name of the institution/university/organization etc. in which you are located;
10. The name and contact details of a supervisor whom we may contact if you are a student;
11. Give a commitment that you will post a summary of your research results on the forum when you have completed it;
12. Your intentions regarding publishing the results;
13. What are you offering to our Omicron Commonwealth community? What will your contribution be to the
Omicron Commonwealth forum before you use the forum for your research? We urge researchers to think this through. For example, how about sharing some of your knowledge, personal experiences or your professional expertise with our forum members? Or maybe offer to write an article for our website on an area that isn’t already covered?
Please note that we will not approve any research requests which are funded by drug/pharmaceutical companies.
Restriction of forum facilities
We reserve the right to put forum members on moderation and/or remove their access to the private messaging system for any reason.
Termination of membership
We reserve the right to terminate the membership of any forum member.
What happens if the guidelines aren’t followed
If members do not keep to these guidelines, they are subject to our policy on what happens if the guidelines aren’t followed, which can be found under Forum Information > Forum Rules and Guidelines ***Essential to read*** once you are logged in.
Other important things to note
Personal safety
Do not post anything which could lead to your identity becoming known or that could risk your personal safety. If you have inadvertently done so, or if you spot personal information on the forum, please report the posts.
Online safety
If you are ever concerned about your safety while using the Omicron Commonwealth Forum, please report the post or private message which causes the concern. Doing so helps us make the forum safe for all our community members.
Be careful who you trust online
Please do not give out any personal information such as your name, address, phone number, or e-mail address when using the forum’s private message system until you’ve got to know someone really well. People have all sorts of motives to request such information. It’s important to make sure the person you are considering sharing such information with has genuine motives.
Forum privacy policy
We will only use any information you provide for the purpose you gave it to The Omicron Commonwealth Forum or to the owners of the Omicron Commonwealth Forum.
If you wish to unsubscribe from the Omicron Commonwealth Forum please let one of the forum moderators or administrators know by reporting a post on the forum. Alternatively you can let us know using our contact form.
We normally process unsubscription requests within 7 days, usually though it is a lot quicker.
We will not give or sell your personal information to anyone, unless we are required to by law or there is an issue of safety.
We believe your right to confidentiality is very important. This means that only in very unusual circumstances would it be necessary for us to contact police or other agencies about any message we have received.
Legal requirements related to confidentiality
Under Federal and State law, the owners of the Omicron Commonwealth Forum cannot legally provide confidentiality under the following circumstances:
1. A message sent to or through the Omicron Commonwealth Forum which contains specific information about a terrorist suspect or terrorist activity that will take place or has taken place in the world. This information must immediately be disclosed to the police;
2. As owners of the Omicron Commonwealth Forum, we are forced through legal action to disclose specific confidential information; this can include legal action taken through the Data Protection Act and during criminal investigations.
Our choice to break confidentiality
Under the Data Protection Act we can choose to break confidentiality if we feel that doing so would be in the public interest or that not doing so would hinder a criminal investigation. Under very rare, extreme circumstances, we may choose to break confidentiality.
These circumstances are:
If we believe a user of the Omicron Commonwealth Forum is in immediate danger, or a user of the Omicron Commonwealth Forum is about to place another person in immediate danger.
That the user has provided enough personal information for us to believe there is an opportunity to intervene.
We wouldn’t even think of trying to intervene if the circumstances were not extreme.
By using the Omicron Commonwealth Forum you agree that you are bound by our disclaimer and our terms of service.
Any advice posted on the Omicron Commonwealth Forum is for informative purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for advice or therapy of any kind.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless this forum, and the owners of this forum, Together 4 Change Limited.
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, abusive, harassing, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law.
This site does not align itself to any one political, religious, medical or cultural bias.