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I just came across this site, and I’m finding it so fascinating! I’ve been reading through all the PDFs, and while most of it clicks, I’m still wrapping my head around the planetary orbit document. Any advice on how to understand or navigate it would be amazing!
I’d really love to get involved here and be part of this community. Should i fill out a membership form/ application?
As someone who resonates with Magnetic Blue Night energies, I’ve always been a vivid dreamer and have had some incredible experiences with 4D entities and benevolent beings. One unforgettable night, I felt what seemed like a tap on my pineal gland and saw a blue faced female form above me then dissappear through a portal when i awoke. Not long after, I somehow managed to finish three books in just 6 weeks! Coincidence? Probably not...
I’ve always been highly intuitive, and my work centers around energy healing. One of my books is all about helping people develop their empathic abilities and intuition—something I feel really passionate about.
Victoria, thank you for sharing so much valuable information! I’ve watched all your interviews with Emery Smith, and they’re truly inspiring. I wish my work were that exciting! I do some energy healing, and it’s deeply fulfilling, but I’d love to contribute more meaningfully to something bigger.
I’m here because I want to help however I can—to support this shared vision of an informed public, a united community, and a world with more peace and understanding.
How can I contribute?
With love,
A M. E.
Thank you for visiting our page. Please read our Omicron Commonwealth Charter Agreement on the front page. If you believe in what we are trying to build, then fill out an application and add your voice to our mission.
Cause..if it is all energy-- and I believe it to be-- what I am should be apparent to the trained soul. And yet--😠There's always an algorithm which requires a non energy input in order to give a pre-written definition which is to Identity the self.
Well Fuhhhggg.. I don't know my day of birth. I don't know my year of birth. I don't even trust or know the century to which I was born-- let alone the timeline within that.
Aaaasand...if it's based on our solar cycles...or astrology.
than...I am really sool. (shit out-ta luck
Based on your energies in your comment, I would say you are a Blue Overtone Storm.
Hi ,is anyone on here and active member of omicron commonwealth?I just had a couple questions and was looking for the opinions of active member or member.
Hi I'm Naomi.
 I work holistically in a healing capacity and within traditional clinical settings as a Psychotherapist.
After reawkening 4 years ago, my personal search for knowledge and the breadcrumbs of syncronisities have led me here. I'm now absorbed in learning about my tribe 'Blue Hawk' and tone.
Thank you to the team for making the resources you have available, I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn and contribute to the Common wealth in anyway I can be of service.
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