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This page is a summary of a three-year research study into the Misgovernance of Humanity on Planet Earth by the United World Federation Science Conclave.  

The information included in this study was gathered from total immersion into the Homeless communities, interviews, social experiments, historical records, secondary sources, and from United States Bureau of Statistics’ data.  The outcome of the study revealed the changing roles of Planet Earth people, the introduction of Extraterrestrial civilizations, the influence of new technologies, and the implications of changing world environments that must be considered to move into a future that includes the Extraterrestrial civilizations as part of the Earth interactions.

The Conclave determined the following key factors contribute to homelessness::


  • * Planet Earth Governments create exclusions, mistrust, marginalized societies, and institutions of inequality that are meant to cause confrontation and disorder amongst each other.

  • * Social inclusion is negatively related to income inequality.

  • * Social capital is negatively related to trust and civic engagement.

  • * Social mobility is not reflected therefore, people cannot change their position in society.

  • * Governments have created and reinforced patterns of racial segregation and uneven investment in neighborhoods.

  • * Segregation has produced a system of neighborhoods that are not only separate but structurally unequal. 

  • * Illicit drugs, firearm trafficking, and illegal market activities are identified as multipliers of violence, competition, and the Global economy.

  • * Human density accounts for over polluted communities, damaged waterbodies, and uncontrolled, mountains of garbage

  • * Humans persecute and prey upon their own kind with slavery and human trafficking,

  • * Humans commit violence and war against each other, and

  • * Humans are highly vulnerable to annihilation by self-inflicted wounds, such as nuclear wars or climate change.


The following information comes by way of conversations with conclave members.  In some instances, it becomes difficult to compare or give something a name due to lack of understanding, lack of knowledge, or language barrier.

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Countdown to Cosmic Revelation

We completed the countdown to disclosure. 


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Web by Omicron RRI.

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